College Committees

Student Senators serve on an array of different committees at Pitzer College. Our institution’s long time commitment to “shared governance” dictates these committees be composed of a diverse group of constituencies; in most cases that includes a mixture of students, faculty, and staff members. Listed below are each of the committees students serve on during the academic year.

Student Senate Standing Committees

Standing Committee Membership [PDF]

Budget Committee

This committee is the official body designated for reviewing all funding requests that are submitted to Student Senate, and making monetary allocations on behalf of the Student Senate.

Events Board

This committee is tasked by the Student Senate to approve, coordinate, and finance all student events on the Pitzer College campus, and help facilitate student events across the consortium. It is chaired by a designated member of the Student Senate, and composed of four permanent member organizations. Read more about Student-Sponsored Events.

Identity Board

This committee is tasked by the Student Senate with overseeing budget allocation, cooperation, and coordination for all designated identity organizations at Pitzer College. It is chaired by a designated student senator of the Diversity Committee, and composed of one representative from each of the designated member organizations.

Elections Committee

This committee is tasked by the Student Senate with planning all campus elections and enforcing all regulations as outlined in the committee bylaws and the Student Senate Constitution.

Institutional Standing Committees

Academic Planning Committee (APC)

This committee is responsible for considering and/or recommending policy changes concerning academics, admissions, and allocation of academic funds, particularly concerning long-term strategies and developments at Pitzer College. As a body, they are also responsible for promoting integration and interaction between different aspects of Pitzer College’s academic programming.

Academic Standards Committee

This committee is responsible for assuring that students adhere to the academic standards of the College, for considering student requests for waivers of academic requirements, and for approving the completion of degree requirements.

Campus Aesthetics Committee

This committee is tasked with reviewing and approving all proposals for the installation of paintings, murals, sculptures, or hung pieces of art from students, faculty, staff, alumni, and other individuals or groups that are in any way affiliated with Pitzer College.

Appointments, Promotions, & Tenure Committee (APT)

This body is charged with making recommendations and advising the president in matters of faculty appointment, contract renewal, promotion, granting of tenure, and periodic reviews of tenured faculty. Two student representatives (one junior & one senior) are appointed to serve on this committee for a two-year term.

Budget Implementation Committee (BIC)

This group is responsible for constructing the annual budget of the College and recommending to College Council policy regarding enrollment, financial aid, annual increments in staff and faculty salaries, fringe benefits, and expectations relating to inflation and investment income. The Student Senate Vice President is a permanent member of this committee.

Teaching Learning and Campus Life Committee (TLCLC)

This committee is focused on enhancing the intellectual, cultural, and social life of the College; promoting and supporting close faculty-student relationships; and encouraging the involvement of alumni in the campus community. They may allocate funds for special events, activities, programs, and projects that will enhance campus life. This group also aims to help faculty improve their teaching, to help students improve their learning, and to develop and facilitate opportunities for conversation and reflection among faculty, students, and staff around topics of teaching and learning.

Curriculum Committee

This committee is responsible primarily for coordinating and reviewing the annual curriculum of the College, for recommending on an annual basis the addition of courses, for approving special majors and independent studies, and for approving new program and major requirements.

Diversity Committee

This body is charged with assisting the college in meeting its commitment to affirmative action in student, faculty, and staff recruitment and for assisting the College in creating an environment that is maximally supportive to students from underrepresented groups and that embraces and values diversity.

Faculty Executive Committee (FEC)

The primary leadership committee for Pitzer College faculty members, designated for making final academic policy and implementing decisions to ensure the effective functioning of all college affairs. Two student representatives (one junior & one senior) are appointed to serve on this committee for a two-year term.

Student-Alumni Relations Committee

This committee works to maintain positive relationships between students and alumni, and the members serve as the official student liaisons to the Pitzer College Alumni Board during their regular meetings every semester.

Study Abroad & International Programs

This group is tasked with formulating policy relating to the College’s Study Abroad programs, for overseeing the programs, and for approving students for participation.